Friday, May 1, 2009

am i wearing the same clothes i wore last friday?

with the school year coming to an end, the "emo-ness" of everyone seems to be coming out, so here's my turn to be "emo." as i sit here, in psych class, we've watched two presentations already, both of which involving the sentimental memories of each presenter. this makes me reminisce about the memories of my own childhood, even the more recent memories which have been fabricated in the past year (my freshman year of college). from messing around in english class with father obrian, to speech class with halperin, even the useless studying of micro. we all had our fun. first semester. second semester was somewhat different, we were more comfortable with the people around us, we got used to the life and we were able to adjust accordingly. despite all the memories, we also encountered various bumps and bruises which made us not want to continue. we lost a number of friends to the treacheries of "private college life" but we all still remain a "family" among each other. now there is only a week left of school, the scent of summer is just right around the corner, its just a matter of getting through the dreaded finals but also, the inevitable consequences of our performances this year is starting to hit us. once christmas passed, and the second semester started, we just wanted to have fun. micro was over, our classes got less stressful, and we were one semester away from the end of school. for the first few weeks, it seemed like we were out EVERYDAY, going to the beach, going to the mall, going to the other mall, going to chino, walnut, where ever we could go, just to get away. the semester went on, A LOT of drama happened, but whatever. it only got us closer together, showing the true personalities of people. once i got kicked out of my dorm, seemed like everything was going to go downhill. however, it only made me want to strive harder, to show people that i can do it, regardless of my surroundings. with one more week, i still have a lot of prove, but i can almost feel it. reading my older posts, i've gone through a lot of emotional standpoints, some influenced by the bravery of other people, some provoked by the good, and bad sides of people. the post before this one was due to a possible breakdown right before finals. thank god for people to talk to. i told three people how i was feeling, and each person told me to "finish strong, you've worked so hard to get where you are now, finish up" if it weren't for the down-to-earth personality of the people around me, i don't know where i'd be. so. alphabetically, thanks tiff, sam, gianina, kristina, jocelyn, marc, brian, mike, diane, jj, mary, and guil. you've all influenced me this year, from either telling me to sit back and relax, to pushing me to do my best. though next year won't be as enjoyable as the one we just had, hopefully, we'll all be able to adjust, yet keep the same relationships we all created this freshman year of college.

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