Wednesday, February 25, 2009


after roaming around, finding myself on gianina's tumblr, i found one of the few recorded memories we have of our wonder years.  

being in college, thing's aren't as fun as they used to be.  as we grow in age, we take for granted how badass our childhood was.  just the other day, i found myself looking at the very same toys i had when i was a child, for sale on ebay for $200.  we grow up so quickly, that we tend to lose track of how much fun we're having.  i never thought i'd see the day that i would be driving a car, in college, and on my own (well. sort of).  on youtube, i found most of the cartoon's and action tv shows i watched when i was a child.  i remember sitting in front of the tv, watching rugrats, doug, and legend of the hidden temple, all in succession.  times were so simple, i didn't have a care in the world.
i was just a toddler "rockin' my thang."
looking back, i wish i could do it all over.  
no drama, no worries.
just be.

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